Thursday, August 15, 2013

I'm never getting into grad school...(for you nervous undergrads)

"I'm never getting into grad school." Man...I wish I had a dollar for every time I've said that during undergrad. haha. I was the ultimate worry wart, and I'm not afraid to admit it! So for all of you worry wart undergrads like me I thought I would share some advice for "getting into grad school."

Steps to Take During Application Process
1. Make a list of all possible graduate programs you want to apply to in a word document. (include due dates for application)

2. Under each graduate program make a checklist of each requirement and item you have to turn in for the application. (ex. transcripts, GRE scores, resume, interview, recommendations, etc.)

3. Next, make a list of your strengths. (ex. high GPA, work experience, extra-curricular activities, etc.)

4. Now, look for programs that will highlight YOUR personal strengths. (For example, I did not have the strongest GRE score so I applied to more schools who asked for a resume or statement of purpose.)

5. Once you have narrowed down your programs START WORKING ON THEM NOW! Most programs like for you to have all your items turned in at least 2 months in advance. Schools have to process all of the items and sync them into their system. If they are not in the system by the application due date then the program will likely deny you :( So start working on them now and use the checklist you created under each program. Mark off each requirement once you have sent them in.

6. Once you have sent everything in RELAX!! I cannot stress this enough! This is your last semester of undergrad! Live it up! and enjoy! Don't waste away your last semester of undergrad worrying :) Have fun! Hint-All grades are sent in and done (I'm not saying fail everything and not try) but you don't have to worry as much.


  • If you need a recommendation from a teacher give them the materials 3 months in advance. This allows them a month to complete it in order to have it turned in two months in advance. Also, ask them either in person or email if they will write a recommendation before submitting their names. If they say "yes" ask what information they want in order to complete it (ex. resume, etc.)
  • Make sure the program you apply to is ASHA accredited. 
  • EdFind Use this ASHA link to search for specific programs in specific states. I used this frequently during the application process.
  • Do NOT apply to just one program. Most people on average apply anywhere from 6 to 8 programs.
  • Be yourself in an interview. Practice with your friends before the actual interview.
  • Statement of Purpose: If this is a requirement, talk about why you want to be an SLP, why you think you would be a great SLP, and why you want to attend the program.


P.S. If you have any questions comment below :)

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